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Employment Law Advice

Responsibility for Content on Social Media

Responsibility for Content on Social Media Many companies have now jumped on to the social media band wagon, taking advantage of the vast networking and advertising opportunities that sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, You Tube and Instagram  offer businesses....

Outsourcing and the Law

More and more employers in South Australia seem to be making the move and outsourcing parts of their business overseas. This may involve job losses, either by way of redundancy or by otherwise terminating the employment contract, or simply by affecting an employee’s...

Age-based Discrimination in the Work Place

Equal Opportunity Act 1984 Age Discrimination Act 2004 prevent employers from age-based discrimination. These Acts apply whether an employee or prospective employee is young or mature-aged. They apply to workers as well as those who apply for employment. General...

Advertising a Role: Legal Dos and Don’ts

There are a number of statutes that regulate the recruitment and selection of employees. This legislation prohibits discrimination at every stage of the recruitment process in Australia.The Sex Discrimination Act (SDA) makes it illegal to advertise a position which...